What is error code 59 in Valorant and how to fix it?

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Thursday, June 13, 2024

Much like most online multiplayer titles, Riot Games' tactical hero shooter, Valorant, is not new to technical issues. Ever since the game's launch in June 2020, players have experienced several server issues while playing the game. Although the developers have always regularly resolved major issues within the game, sometimes the problem may be on the player's end.

Val 59 is a common error that players experience while playing Valorant. Usually, players face this error after the game introduces new patches or updates. However, you can resolve this issue fairly easily. Here's a look at all the steps you need to follow to resolve the Val 59 error in Valorant.

What causes Valorant's Val 59 error and how to solve it

Val 59 error occurs due to an issue with the Riot Client. The game's developers introduce a new patch once every two weeks, along with additional updates and bug fixes whenever required. These changes enter the game with the help of the Riot Client.

As mentioned earlier, the arrival of a new patch or update could be the prime reason for this issue. Soon after the updates have been fully integrated into the game, you may have your gaming experience interrupted by the game crashing with an error message on your screen stating:

'There was an error connecting to the platform. Please restart your game client.'
Val error 59 on the loading screen (Image via Valorant)

Though the Error Code: 59 seems like a severe issue, you can resolve it on your own without much hassle. To fix this error, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Log out of the game and try to restart it once again. If the error still pops up, shut the game down completely.

  • You now need to go to the Task Manager and terminate the Riot Client. After that, you need to restart your PC's operating system.
  • After restarting the PC, clear the Riot Client cache memory.
  • Log in to Valorant once again, and the issue should be resolved. If the problem is from the user's end, it will be fixed automatically, and you can enjoy the game again.
  • If the issue persists even after following the steps suggested above, you should check if other players also have the same issue, indicating that the problem may be on the side of the server. If the Val error code 59 issue arises while you are connected to a local network, it is advised to check your internet settings or perform a network reset.

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